The Wonder Project

In 2006, the Wonder Project was created at the Vista Zen Center as a springboard from which students could explore ways to organically integrate Zen practice into their everyday life in a safe and secure environment. The primary focus of this integration was in the areas of work, creative activities, and social action.

In the first 5 years, members participated in a variety of creative seminars that supported social action initiatives, a number of art exhibits, discussions about right livelihood, and an evaluation of global ethics.

Recently, a handful of members with strong passions for human rights united to raise funds for the sole purpose of educating the public about the prevalence of human trafficking, and are actively making strides in showing how prevalent the horrors of this hidden human injustice exist in not only our own community, but in every community on the planet.

In January 2011, the Wonder Project organized an arts and crafts exhibit at the annual Anti-Human Trafficking Walk in Vista, California. The event was quite successful and the proceeds of the exhibit were donated to the Vista Soroptomists who actively support and shelter victims of human trafficking. The video below includes photos of the event as well as some of the art contributed by members of the Wonder Project.

Although the Bodhisattva vows to liberate all sentient beings from suffering, the Wonder Project recognizes we are all flawed human beings and through an ever-evolving commitment to mindfulness practice, we continue to evolve. Whether or not you’re involved with Zen or are committed to another spiritual tradition, if you’re interested in joining like-minded people in exploring the vast opportunities life has to offer and are willing to work toward a common goal, please join us in the Wonder Project. For more information about the Wonder Project and VZC’s social action group, please contact us.

Amnesty International Group 471, North County San Diego

Soroptimist International of Vista – Stopping Human Trafficking

Unitarian Universalist Refugee and Immigrant Services and Education, Inc.

San Diego Peace Corps Association

ArtReach San Diego – Educating K-6 kids

For more information about the Wonder Project or the Social Action group, please email the center or call (760) 726-3808