Alessandra Colfi


Alessandra Colfi holds a B.A. in Linguistics, a Master in Fine Art, and is a Ph.D. candidate in Expressive Arts Therapy. She’s a member of the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association and The Society for the Arts in Healthcare. She is a Faculty and the Associate Director of the Expressive Arts Therapy Department at IUPS.

Her background in design & fine art is combined with extensive studies and applications of behavioral science, counseling, spiritual and humanistic psychology, academic mentorship and her mindfulness practice. Her research and dissertation focus on empathy as it emerges and is strengthened through the expressive arts process and as vehicle for raising awareness, self-reflection, managing symptoms and increasing overall resilience in oncology patients. Alessandra has been using art and its therapeutic effects for over 10 years in private and clinical settings ~ assisting Alzheimer’s seniors, developmentally disabled adults and children, victims of interpersonal trauma, the general population of adults, teens and children.

Alessandra is a volunteer activist with Amnesty International and serves on the Board of Directors of UURISE

Bio provided by the artist 10/2011

For more information about Alessandra’s work, please visit her website.
